As I reflect back on our relationship I’m comforted to find I’m smiling, through the pain and frustration of losing another person I loved.
We were friends before we knew we were family, haha. (I know you know what I mean). We never had a cross word, loud words but never spoken in anger. We would reason and gossip and check in with each other, you good ? You’re not are you ?
I made you laugh out loud often and you shocked me all the time, before we would lock eyes and giggle like children. I’m so sorry you’ve gone so soon.
I hope you’re pain free and flossing, I hope you’re with your Mum and Dad, my Patsy, Gabby and Pops and so many loved ones that passed before you.
I hope you’re as proud of your immediate family as I am, They’ve celebrated you and comforted so many others in the lead up too and after your passing, you should be proud of them.
I will do my best to look after Beverley, Asha, of them all
So you Rest in Peace my cousin, until such time 💕
Love and Light
Delena G
10th February 2024
I've known Paul for so many years now he used to do street level discos and party's
Lloyd barrett
27th January 2024
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Paul.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Jackson & Browning Funeral Services on 23/01/2024